Saturday, September 22, 2012

UNREAL Candy is Truly Amazing

UNREAL Candy is Truly Amazing

I received a coupon to try UNREAL Candy complimentary of BzzAgent for testing purposes in exchange for my honest opinion about the product.

First of all, I had never heard about UNREAL Candy before I was invited into this BzzAgent campaign. So when I began reading about what UNREAL Candy was all about I had my doubts. I mean how can a candy bar that claims to have a low glycemic index, no artificial flavors, no corn syrup, no partially hydrogenated oils, no GMO's, and no preservatives taste good. However, I was eager to try it out to say the least.
 I went to my local CVS and found 3 types. The first one was called UNREAL 41 which is similar to plain M&M's The second kind I found was UNREAL 54 which is similar to peanut M&M's. The last kind I found was called UNREAL 77 which is similar to Reese's Peanut Butter cups. I bought all three kinds. I have to admit that they all tasted amazing!! They taste just like M&M's and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Even my 4 and 8 year old loved them and that is saying a lot. It really is hard to believe that they don't have all the junk in them like most candy on the market these days but still manage to have a great flavor. Furthermore, at my local CVS , UNREAL candy is resonably priced at $1.19 each or 2 for $2.00. I personally am willing to pay a little bit more for a candy bar knowing that it is a healthier candy option for me and my family. I will definitely be buying more UNREAL candy in the future.

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