Thursday, April 3, 2014

Viva Vantage Sample and Share Crowdtap Review

Viva Vantage Sample and Share Crowdtap Review

I was recently chosen by Crowdtap for Sample and Share Review for Viva Vantage paper towels. Viva Vantage claims to have a revoluntary V-Flex Weave that gives them more stretch, absorbancy, and scrubbing power. Right away I noticed how thick the towels were and the texture was different from my current brand of paper towels. They even have a "Choose a Size" which is great for me. I am pretty frugal and don't like wasting a whole paper towel on just a small mess.

Here is a before picture

 Here is an after picture using a Size 1

I was truly impressed. It literally took one wipe with a Size 1 Viva Vantage paper towel and the milk was completely gone. Look at how much of the paper towel is still dry. I am convinced that Viva Vantage is a great product and I making the switch.

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