Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Many Uses of Ivory

The Many Uses Of Ivory

would venture to say that most people have heard about Ivory Soap sometime in their lifetime. I know I was personally raised on it and still to this day am an avid user. What I love about Ivory is that it has always been 99.4% pure. (How many other soap brands can claim that). It is free of dyes and perfumes and is gentle on your skin yet very effective as a cleaner. I love the way my skin feels after cleansing with Ivory. My face and body feel so soft and smooth after using it. But did you know that there is literally thousands of different ways Ivory soap can be used? Well I know I didn't until recently. I received a free bar of Ivory soap complimentary of Influenster and Ivory for testing purposes as a participant in the MomVox campaign in exchange for my honest opinion about the product. Influenster has challenged its Ivory Soap users to explore different ways of using the product than just the normal body and face washing. So today I am going to share some creative  uses for Ivory Soap. 

First, a way I use Ivory Soap is as leather cleaner. You can do this on leather furniture but I personally use it on my leather purses. I

To Clean Leather:
  • 1. Dampen a lint-free cloth with water. Do not use hot water as this can damage the leather. 
  • 2. Rub a Ivory soap bar onto the damp cloth A small amount of soap is enough to clean most stains.
  • 3. Use a circular motion and rub the sponge onto the stain.
  • 4. Dampen a clean cloth and use it to remove any trace of soap from the leather . Let the leather air dry.

  • To Soften Hands and Cuticles:

    1. Shave half a bar of Ivory soap into a bow1. 
    2. Pour in a 1/2 cup of hot water
    3. Stir in 2 Tsps. of olive oil and let cool. 
    4. This makes a cream that be rubbed around the nails will cleanse and soften 
    your hands and cuticles.
    For Keeping Fingernails Clean while Working in a Garden:
    This one may seem a little strange for some. But for those of us who like to 
    garden and hate to wear gloves either because they feel too bulky on our hands or because 
    our hands get to hot, this may be a solution:
    1. Run bar of Ivory soap under warm water.
    2. Then rub the bar of soap under fingernails so that the soap gets under the nails. This fills the space under the nails so dirt won't get


    1. Shave 1/4 bar of Ivory soap

    2. Dissolve in a quart of warm water

    3. Add 2 drops of glycerin

    3. Shake gently

    Grab some bubble blowers and the kiddos are set.

    Other uses for Ivory soap include making kids paint, as laundry detergent and a stain remover, furniture polish, candles, hanging wallpaper, ect

    Like I stated before there are many ways that Ivory soap can be used. These are just a few of the ones that I have personally tried. It is easy to find in stores such as Walmart and Target as well as any major grocery, dollar and drug store. A 10-pack of Ivory bath bar soap retails for around $4.49 so it is pretty inexpensive if you feel like trying out some different ways to use Ivory soap. You never know you might discover that something new that works better than your usual way!!

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